Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Funfetti Remastered

Pillsbury's Funfetti has magical powers. In a second, it takes me back to gradeschool birthday parties. Funfetti reminds me of my mom, the quintessential woman. Funfetti is the core of American womanhood. When a girl can make a Funfetti cake, they are no longer a child, but a woman. Well...maybe not...I could make a Funfetti cake when I was eleven. An eleven year old is definitely not woman material.

Despite these facts, I think Pillsbury has seriously dropped the ball where Funfetti is concerned:
#1 They discontinued the world famous rainbow chip frosting. Now, they only sell frosting with sprinkles on top of the lid. Lame. (I don't even like canned frosting...but if I found a can of Funfetti rainbow chip, I think I would eat it like a barbarian...with my fingers only...and I would wear my cavewoman outfit from halloween two years ago).
#2 The cake isn't the white rainbow flecked moistness I remember. It's sort of dry. And crumbly. And I promise it isn't me.

Today I vowed to bring back the Funfetti I remember from childhood--but better. And thus, Funfetti Remastered is born (in cupcake form).

The Cake:

1 Box Funfetti Cakemix

1 cup sour cream

1/2 cup oil

1/2 cup water

3 eggs

1 one-pound bag of powdered sugar

1 1/2 sticks butter

6 T milk

2 T vanilla (imitation is fine)

1 Can Rainbow Chip Frosting (Betty Crocker is the only brand to make a semblance of Pillsbury's former Funfetti frosting.)

Preheat that oven to 350, throw the cake ingredients (everything up to the eggs) in a mixing bowl and let her mix! I came out with about 35 cupcakes, but they were small. They baked about 25 minutes.

While the cupcakes are baking cream together butter and sugar, alternating with milk. If you're really a perfectionist, sift the sugar. I sure didn't feel like it today. Vanilla goes in last. If you forget that's okay. I usually do. When frosting is fluffy and to your likings, stir in the can of rainbow chip frosting. This make a lot of frosting. I planned it this way, so you'll be able to steal spoonfuls without stealing from the cupcakes' glory.

When cupcakes are cool (and not before please) frost 'em. And then eat 'em. Promptly.

My cupcakes are a donation for the local soup kitchen. Don't worry, I did donate a couple to myself. They were mighty magical. Just like childhood.

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